Comparing different focusing masks for camera lenses.

Focusing a camera lens in the dark represents the most challenging operation for amateurs and professional astrophotographers, and night photographers. Traditional Bahtinov masks have been in use for astrophotography in relatively large aperture telescopes. This type of mask delivers a diffrac...
Published on November 19, 2020 | 6 min read

Buy and Sell Second-Hand Astro Equipment Guide.

The most frequent questions after the Stargazing Labs and Landscape Astrophotography Labs are how much cost a telescope and where to buy it. I usually recommend to have a look at...
Published on November 02, 2020 | 9 min read

Star Tracker Polar Alignment in the Southern Hemisphere.

Star trackers are becoming quite popular for landscape astrophotography. That type of device is key for capturing stunning images with the Milky Way in the background. Unfortunately, setting up these special mounts can be challenging and frustrating for beginners.Setting up a star tra...
Published on October 10, 2020 | 4 min read

What Telescope is Best for a Beginner

The best telescope is the one you will use the mostYour kids are showing a lot of interest in astronomy and stargazing. You think that a telescope could help grow their curiosity and ignite their passion for science and technol...
Published on October 06, 2020 | 6 min read